Saturday, 2 July 2011

A Morning in the Forest!

A good morning out in the forest yesterday. Covered a lot of ground and the warm weather was just perfect.

I need a bit of help identifying these two butterflies. I think they are meadow brown's, but am not certain!
I was hand holding with my big lens attached, so shots are not sharp and couldn't get the best angle, but good enough for an id. Thanks.

A female broad bodied chaser. Again it was hard to get her whole body and head in shot, due to where she was resting.

I'm pretty sure this is a male tufted duck - or maybe a Goldeneye?

This is a mandarin duck. Only a few weeks old and having a scratch!

And finally, a juvenile female adder.

To see more adder and grass snake pics, facts and encounters, please visit and follow my dedicated "Snakes in the Forest of Dean" blog, by clicking the link below. Thanks.

Snake Blog Here



  1. The second butterfly is a Ringlet. The first I would guess is a female Wallbrown.

  2. Hi Rob, the first butterfly is a Meadow Brown, the second a Ringlet and the duck is a male Tufted Duck.

    I especially like the Adder pic.

  3. A gatekeeper I think, and the second is a Ringlet.

  4. Hi Rob, with absolutely no disrespect to Bob, I still say Meadow Brown as it has the single white spot in the eye rather than the double white spot in the Gatekeeper.
